Showing posts with the label McDonald’s Vocational Apprenticeship Programme


McDonald’s Continues Its Commitment Towards Providing Training and Career Opportunities to Malaysian Youths

400 apprentices graduated from the McDonald’s Vocational Apprenticeship Programme Dato' Azmir Jaafar with some of the graduates of McDonald's Vocational Academy at UiTM Puncak Alam. McDonald’s Malaysia celebrated over 400 youths who have successfully completed their training under the McDonald’s Vocational Apprenticeship Programme. The convocation ceremony, which is the third to be hosted by McDonald’s Malaysia, was held at a ceremony in Dewan DK500 located at the UiTM Cawangan Selangor, Puncak Alam Campus. “The McDonald’s Vocational Apprenticeship Programme is an important programme for us, as it provides the youth opportunities to learn lifelong skills, fulfil their potential and climb the career ladder within the food service industry. What matters most is that they are able to embrace the McDonald’s culture that emphasises quality in all aspects of the business,” said Dato’ Azmir Jaafar, Managing Director and Local Operating Partner, McDonald’s Malaysia. “As McDonald’s Mal...