Home Education University of Cyberjaya University of Cyberjaya Breaks Barriers in Education by Introducing New Accessible Education Programmes and Drives Educational Reform
Home Education University of Cyberjaya University of Cyberjaya Breaks Barriers in Education by Introducing New Accessible Education Programmes and Drives Educational Reform

University of Cyberjaya Breaks Barriers in Education by Introducing New Accessible Education Programmes and Drives Educational Reform

Launching accessible education, (from left to right) University of Cyberjaya’s Faculty of Psychology and Social Sciences Dean, Dr. Anasuya Jegathevi Jegathesan, Vice Chancellor Professor Dr. Zabidi Hussin, and Chancellor Professor Emeritus Tan Sri Anuwar Ali participate in the ceremony to initiate the new programmes.

University of Cyberjaya is proud to announce the launch of new education programmes under the esteemed Faculty of Psychology and Social Sciences (FPSS), with a strong commitment to providing equitable access to education for all on 27th July 2023. These programmes, including the Diploma in Early Childhood Education, and Bachelor of Education (Hons) in Teaching English as a Second Language, were unveiled during the Education in Malaysia: Strategies to Reform Forum held in the university's Grand Hall. The distinguished launch was led by the Dean of the University’s Faculty of Psychology and Social Sciences (FPSS), Professor Dr. Anasuya Jegathevi Jegathesan, alongside the University's leadership team, including Chancellor, Professor Emeritus Tan Sri Anuwar Ali, Pro Chancellor, Y.Bhg. Tan Sri Dato’ Dr. R. Palan, and Vice Chancellor, Professor Dr. Zabidi Hussin.
At the launch of the new programmes, Professor Dr. Zabidi Hussin, Vice Chancellor of University of Cyberjaya, emphasized the paramount importance of education and the university's unwavering commitment to uplifting society through its educational initiatives. He stated, "It is only through education that we are able to equip individuals with the power to participate and contribute to economic growth, and this, in turn, drives economic prosperity for the country. Education also shapes responsible and informed citizens. Through education, individuals are able to participate in civic activities, engage with democratic processes, and make informed decisions in political and social matters."

Dr. Anasuya Jegathevi Jegathesan, the Dean of FPSS responsible for the new programmes, reiterated the University's mission in providing quality education that is accessible to all. She emphasized, "This remains to be the core tenet of the University when we develop new programmes that are not only in demand but ones that create access to higher education that would otherwise be inaccessible to some." Dr. Jegathesan further highlighted the significance of the event, stating, "Today's event serves to remind us once again why building skilled people within the education sphere is not only important but crucial to building a better Malaysia."

(From left to right) Professor Emeritus Tan Sri Anuwar Ali, Chancellor of University of Cyberjaya (UoC), Dr. Maszlee Malik, Professor at University of Cyberjaya (UoC), Dr. Jezamine Lim, CEO and Co-Founder of Cell Biopeutics Resources, Ms. Freda Liu, Business Presenter, Speaker, and Author, Syed Saddiq bin Syed Abdul Rahman, Member of Parliament for Muar and President of MUDA, and Cheryl Fernando, CEO of Pemimpin Global School Leaders

The Education in Malaysia: Strategies to Reform Forum served as a crucial platform to highlight the significance of education and the University of Cyberjaya's new programmes. Chaired by Dr. Maszlee Malik, Professor at University of Cyberjaya and Former Malaysian Minister of Education, and moderated by Ms. Freda Liu, Business Presenter, Speaker, and Author, the forum brought together a distinguished panel of speakers. This panel included Dr. Maszlee Malik, Professor at University of Cyberjaya (UoC), Professor Emeritus Tan Sri Anuwar Ali, Chancellor of University of Cyberjaya (UoC), Syed Saddiq bin Syed Abdul Rahman, Member of Parliament for Muar and President of MUDA, Dr. Jezamine Lim, CEO and Co-Founder of Cell Biopeutics Resources, and Cheryl Fernando, CEO of Pemimpin Global School Leaders. The event aimed to facilitate discussions on the future of Malaysian education and strategies for reform, underscoring the collective efforts to improve and shape the nation's educational landscape.

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